10 Brand Visibility Tips for Small Businesses (or…How to Be a Big Fish in a Small Pond) – by Susan Newman

Brand Visibility Tips
Today’s blog is a Guest Blog for Circle Marketing by Susan Newman, CEO, Susan Newman Design, Inc. Susan is also the founder of Broadcast Louder, which is a business learning website which features many webinars and classes by a number of experts in all areas of business. We are honored to have her write this post for our readers…enjoy!

What is Brand Visibility and how can you get it?

Each business has its mission and goals, but in order to achieve these, the target market of who you are trying to reach, need to find you. How can they if you don’t brand and market your business effectively, both online and offline.

Many believe that if they create a website and social media profiles, poof, magically they will attract customers. It takes so much more to build BIG TIME visibility to the point of where your targeted audience is waiting for every piece of news on the edge of their seat, and you consistently are the answer to someone’s query.

Online Visibility
As an example, a client of mine recently came back and we rebuilt everything. We re-branded his identity along with a new website and social media. We launched months ago, but as I check each week, I see ZERO activity. If the whole point is to attract new eyes and gain more sales, how will this happen without adding fresh content to keep the company in people’s minds.

Another way to think of visibility at it’s finest is to think of your favorite celebrity. You follow their moves, read about them in print and online, and you can do this because the media knows you’re waiting for every story. They also appear in so many different formats: magazines, newspapers, radio, TV, film, etc… The interesting part is that visibility can be generated from them, news writers, their agents, or in some cases might even be made-up, but always get us talking about them.

How Do We Get Maximum Visibility?

    1. Make sure you and your brand are in synch.


    1. Make sure your visual footprint both online and offline matches. A memorable brand is one someone can picture in their mind, trusts, and buys from consistently.


    1. Be sure you’re doing all that you can to gain new visitors through a variety of ways. Explore new mediums. If you haven’t yet created audio or video, do it. New customers are found by tapping into new audiences.


    1. Celebrate others genuinely.


    1. Get out there and meet new people, Visibility in-person!


    1. Use Social Media correctly. Don’t just sell your products and services. Do something to help others and consistently and it will attract more eyes. Join a group or two on Facebook or LinkedIn and participate. It’s about getting to really know the other members and sharing information.


    1. Don’t do what others are doing. Be Unique!


    1. Give back when you can so others can learn and benefit from your experience.


    1. Even if a post is short, try to blog more! We know that the more often you blog, the better ROI. If you are a creative, just select a picture or product and describe how you made it, what makes it unique. Then you can share that same post on social media, with a link back to your blog.


    1. Visit like-minded blogs, read their posts and leave a comment. You attract new eyes and it entices them to your blog.


Susan Newman
Don’t forget to visit Susan’s Design Business Website and Broadcast Louder.

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