Gotham Screen Film Festival

The Brief

Gotham Screen was looking to a establish larger, and more recognizable brand in their fourth annual Gotham Screen International Film Festival in New York City. They approached Circle Marketing with the desire to increase their branding and establish a presence on par with their film festival’s success, and other New York City film festivals. The Gotham Screen International Film Festival was going to need to look like the large international film festival they were, and pave the way for continued success in the future.

There was no standardized logo, the existing website was created purely in individual DreamWeaver HTML pages, and there was a need to tie in the festivals’ event posters and marketing materials with the new branding. The challenge would be to deliver high-quality and consistent branding throughout all phases of the new marketing direction as created by Circle Marketing.

The Solution

Circle Marketing’s approach to the re-branding of the Gotham Screen International Film Festival could be summed up in one word…consistency.

The best way to go with any new brand is to create an overall theme and concept, and carry that core concept throughout all marketing and advertising pieces. We wanted to establish a strong sense of self for the brand now that Gotham Screen was having the international film world becoming more and more familiar with, and interested in, their annual event.

Bringing together the New York City skyline, as well as a deep blue and light gray color scheme, would help make the brand very “New York.”

The marketing materials saw a realization in photographic form of the new Gotham Screen logo, and the website allows individuals to purchase tickets for any of the festival’s screenings.

The Results

Gotham Screen’s new Film Festival branding was a huge success. They immediately enjoyed their largest film festival to date once we launched with the new Circle Marketing created branding, and they also secured festival sponsorship from the largest sponsor they had in the history of the festival. Ticket sales, hits to the website, and festival attendance were all big improvements over previous marketing efforts for Gotham Screen.

The filmmakers, festival attendees, and Gotham Screen management staff were all impressed with the results Circle Marketing provided, and everyone loved the new branding and marketing executions, which they still use annually.

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