Understanding Facebook Marketing

Marcielle Brandler and Circle Marketing's Louis Tanguay on the Marcielle Presents TV ShowAnother guest post written by one of us for another great website! If you want one of us to write a great blog post for your website, just contact us, and let us know what you need! We’d love to see if we can help out!

Last week we were asked to return to the Marcielle Presents TV Show in Pasadena, CA. The first time we were there, host Marcielle Brandler and our very own Louis Tanguay sat down for a 22 minute segment on Small Business Marketing. You can view that entire interview on our YouTube channel. This time, we were helping out Marcielle with a brand new article for her show’s website, entitled “Understanding Facebook Marketing.”

Check it out here, and let us know what you thought in the comment below!

Understanding the Different Social Network Personalities

Social Network Personalities

Have you ever wondered why your automated posts aren’t getting the results you want? How about when you post the same piece of content on 10 different social networks, and there’s no bump in your website traffic? What’s going on? Does Social Media NOT WORK? I’m here to give away a Social Media Marketing secret that’s will be pretty obvious once I divulge it, but yet most marketers and Small Business owners don’t take the extra step in their strategic thought process to get to it.

Here it is: Each different Social Network has a different personality, and once you know how to

Why Facebook “Doesn’t Work” for Your Small Business

Why Facebook Doesn't Work For Your Business

Circle Marketing’s Managing Director, Louis Tanguay, had the pleasure of writing a guest post on Susan Newman Design Inc’s blog about Why Facebook “Doesn’t Work” For Your Small Business. In this article, Louis explores Facebook’s EdgeRank algorithm, and how most small businesses don’t

Small Business Marketing 101 (Online Version)

Small Business Marketing Online

Congratulations! You have a small business and you’re either just starting out, or you know you need some help to move to another level. You’re seeking out some advice and ideas. This is the first step to getting to that next level. You’re already ahead of the thousands of other Small Businesses which feel that “figuring it out” is the best course of action. This is why you’ll still be in business when they’re packing up the final boxes and wondering what went wrong.

Top 5 Website Mistakes You Shouldn’t Be Making

Top 5 Website Mistakes You Shouldn't Be Making
Whatever size your business is, chances are, you’re making some major mistakes when it comes to your website. We have listed the Top 5 biggest mistakes below. There are more, but these are the top of the top and will have the biggest negative effect on your business. These all must be corrected ASAP, because each of these hinders your ability to get found, get more clients, and ultimately use your website for what it’s meant for…to help your increase your business!

How Oreo Won The Super Bowl

It was right after half time. What was apparently a blow-out game just got worse for the San Francisco 49ers as the Baltimore Ravens returned the opening kick-off of the second half of Super Bowl XLVII to take a 28-6 lead over the 49ers. Then, a bigger blow out occurred.

The Harlem Shake & The Aristocrats – A Viral Video Rooted in the Style of the Classic Joke

The Harlem Shake Viral Video
There is a new internet phenomenon making it’s way through it’s 15 minutes. “The Harlem Shake” started as a silly, kooky video, but it’s subsequent video memes actually have root in another (and older) form of entertainment…joke telling. In particular, a very old joke which all comics love putting their person touch on. That joke is called, “The Aristocrats.”

Facebook Timeline For Pages is Here – Now How Do You Use It?

Facebook Timeline Overview

It’s a very exciting day for those who focus on the future of Facebook Brand Pages and what this means for doing business and acquiring fans on Facebook. Your Facebook Timeline Page is not a substitute for an actual website for many reasons, but it can be the most effective business tool you have other than your actual website.

With the new Facebook Timeline for Pages, you can actually use Facebook to build what is essentially a mini-site and your own social community. Put up a large photo or graphic which enhances your brand presence, message directly back and forth with your customers, and develop full-size custom areas (called Apps, formerly known popularly as Tabs) which you can use to drive interaction, offers, and many other marketing features.